Wednesday, September 23, 2009

28 Days Later

It has been 28 days since I stepped back into the gym.  My focus has been increasing overall muscular strength with special attention on core strength.  I have also been keeping my heart rate within my target zone to build muscular endurance, stamina, and to maximize fat-burning. 

I do not enjoy performing sit-ups or crunches and I choose not to do either in my workouts.  I have no use for doing 100 sit-ups or 200 crunches.  The majority of my core-targeting exercises are isometric.  I mix it up with dynamic excerises such as axe chops that still require a stable core.  The main functions of our core muscles are to stabilize our midsection and protect our spinal column.  It is logical to perform exercises that reflect these muscle functions.

The images of my relaxed (top) and isometrically contracted torso muscles were taken 28 days after I started my training.  These photos officially mark the beginning of my "I.C. Abs project" (Isometric, Crunch-free Abs).  It's pronounced "I see abs".  Get it?  Pretty clever, right?

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