Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The New Grecian Ideal

For the 3 people who had been reading this blog (hi mom!) which I started just over 12 months ago in the summer of 2008, you may remember that I was in top physical conditioning. I was doing 8-10 mile daily runs with gusto, filled out my shirts, and felt confident in a bathing suit. So how is it that in less than a year I dropped almost 10 pounds of muscle and now share the physique of a Kenyan marathon runner?

I stopped lifting weights. I did not get enough sleep. School consumed most of my time and I did not view maintaining my physique and muscular conditioning as a top priority. I didn't eat proper meals. To top it all off, I was training for my first full marathon. The total of my behaviors factored with a high metabolism led to my reduction in size and strength.

Some people I know who are struggling with losing weight see my situation and their immediate reaction is that of envy. I don't eat right, sleep right, or go to the gym regularly and still maintain roughly 8-9% bodyfat. I have been able to maintain much of my muscle tone but I have lost inches off my arms, chest, and shoulders. For guys trying to build muscle, you know how disheartening this can be. I sometimes joke about it, but to me being thin equates to being emasculated. My testes may as well shrivel up and retract into my abdomen. However, when it comes to weight, our culture dictates the reverse idealogy for women. It's no wonder that most of the envious people I mentioned have no Y chromosomes.

Starting August 24th, 2009 I will be starting a new fitness regimen and blogging my routine and progress as well as posting results photos to keep myself motivated. I will be setting weekly as well as monthly fitness goals. I will regularly post fitness tips and new exercises that I encounter. Those of you familiar with me know that on some rare occassions I enjoy voicing my subtle opinions on society's many foibles and idiosyncracies. I may periodically pepper this blog with such musings for your enjoyment as well as for my own catharsis and sanity.

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